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It’s Our Funding Right!

So, today I called around to see what support fathers would get with regards to family law cases for seeing their children. I was told under no circumstances will any legal aid be available for anything relating to family law as it has been cut. This made me think, we as fathers are forced to go to court to see our children but yet we don’t have the money to go to court yet that is the only way we will see our children? I know right does not make any sense!

So when you speak to a public servant or someone in a government agency and they say something to you like “yeah I’m sorry about that but you will need to go to court if you want to see your child or contest anything” but what they don’t tell you is that you will not be eligible for any support or legal aid. We know you have no money to go to court but unfortunately, you will need to find it to hire a solicitor as we cannot help you.

I have been fighting for fathers rights for approximately 10 years and the system is getting progressively worse and the gender bias gap is getting bigger. This triggered an idea, we will need to set up a fund for the father’s rights campaigners, alienated parents and grandparents. This will be the only way we will be able to sustain the legal challenges we need and help parents to see their alienated children and challenge the human rights breaches and equality breaches.

What we will need is the following accountants, business advisors, financial advisors or ex-specialists will also be able to help. We will need the correct business model to make sure that priority cases get dealt with first and so on.

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